Gen's semi-minimalist skincare routine for summer
Ritter Farms
Hey guys, I've been getting some questions about my skincare routine lately and I love to joke that it's from being pregnant but I have been trying to be better about a consistent skincare routine and my skin's been pretty good to me in return, so here's a few things I've been keeping up with...
- Sunshine oil!!! I truly feel like I have sunshine oil to thank for the improved clarity of my skin right now. I’ve been using it for about 6 months now and it gives such high cell turnover and natural radiance. I've been using this on my body too to clear bumps and soften skin.
- Washing my face every night - I use the Fresh Face cleanser and it takes all my makeup off, plus sunscreen, dirt, and anything else clogging my pores, all without stripping my natural oils. If I skip this even once, I will break out. No question.
- I use the Pacifica Wake up Beautiful retinoid serum a couple times a week… this was an impulse buy while appreciating the zero waste selections at a Target near Santa Cruz earlier this year. Go target!
- At night after cleansing / before moisturizer, I'll spray a little Rose Glow toner and then the oil just locks in all that moisture to set in overnight.
5. Highlight serum for brightening sun spots!!! This is huge in the summer and is a nice visible pick-me-up for your skin.
6. The alum stone: I've told you guys I use this for its toning properties. I'll usually put it on before I read my book at night (right now reading Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, ugh so good) and then rinse it off before I go to sleep so I can put on my moisturizers. You can feel it tightening in just 10 minutes as the salt starts to work!
7. SUNSCREEN - I've been teaching swim lessons at Suncadia in my spare time (I love it so so much) and have just been getting baked so I'm either slathering on the sunscreen or adding a granny visor or a long sleeve rashguard. Sun care is no joke!!! Skin cancer runs in my family so I really do try to take good care.
8. Sometimes I'll use the Green Juice serum by Honest co... the packaging won me over and it's really light but feels full of nutrients. Also from target. And then I layer sunshine oil on top!
9. The last one is totally unconventional and probably the most important: balancing my hormones. I went on a journey when we were trying to get pregnant and I was working with an endocrinologist to help balance my hormone levels. She'd order tests and labwork, suggest supplements and diet changes (eat more hummus! take spearmint capsules!) and test again... I felt a major boost to my overall health and my mental health like my stress levels went down and bloating too, but also my skin health improved... I've said it before and I'll say it again, hormones connect everything. My doctor's name is Cathy Brinton (hi Dr. Brinton!), quick shoutout if you want to try this yourself.
So that's what I've been doing lately. I LOVE our organic sunshine oil, face wash bar and my trusty alum stone, and if I could suggest only three things those would be it. A semi-minimalist routine that you can travel with too. Hope this blog is helpful, just meant to be short and sweet.
Also, for what it's worth, I love a good skincare product as much as the next gal but what I love more is a low-effort routine that helps me stay grounded and feel refreshed. A few simple steps that I can check off my list to know I took care of myself today. That little bit of maintenance is magic for the soul and mind and it's a practice I've done every single day for the last 8+ years.
You can shop all our skincare products here or build your own morning routine or evening routine to get started for healthier skin tomorrow.